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Green Bay Strikers

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you figure out which division players belong in?
Player's age is determined as of July 31 of the current year.

What does the U mean in front of the division name?
The "U" stands for Under.  We have 6 divisions:
U6 = 4 1/2-5 year olds
U8 = 6-7 year olds
U10 = 8-9 year olds
U12= 10-11 year olds
U15 = 12-14 year olds
U19 = 15-18 year olds

How do I provide age verification?
If this is your child's first year playing soccer with the Green Bay Strikers, you will need to provide age verification. This is only for first time registrants to ensure that they are assigned to the correct age group. This can be done one of following ways: 1) By providing a copy of a birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport or immunization record on the player's profile in the registration section of the website; 2) By showing a copy to a board member for verification at walk-in registration; 3) by mailing a copy (no originals please) to Green Bay Strikers, PO Box 9001, Green Bay WI 54308-9001; or 4) Uploading an electronic copy and emailing it to [email protected]

My four-year-old misses the age cutoff, can you make an exception?
We accept 4 1/2 year olds born on or before January 31, 2019.  If a parent is willing to coach, we will accept 4-year old's born on or before April 30, 2019.  Please contact [email protected] if this would work for your family.

Can my son/daughter play in a different age group?
They can play in the next older age group as long as they are only one year younger than that age group. They cannot play in a younger age group.  Please fill out an Exception Form and email it to [email protected] if you would like to request a move up for your child.  The exception form will be reviewed by the board when teams are created, and you will be notified if the move up was approved or declined.

Can I get a refund if my child decides he/she does not want to play?
Registration fees are non-refundable.

When is the season?
Games start the end of May and finish the end of July.  Teams play 12 regular season games.  U8-U19 teams participate in a tournament on a Saturday and Sunday at the end of the season.

When are the practices?
Practices are set up by the coaches 1-2 times a week starting the beginning of May. Practices are held Monday-Thursday only. No weekend practices. The coach may hold a practice during the season if only one game is scheduled during a week.

What nights and times do the teams play? **NEW FOR 2023**
U6 ONLY-There will be two scheduling options when registering before March 1.  You will choose a Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday schedule. After March 1, your player will be placed on a schedule as needed to balance out team rosters. Games are held at 5:30pm or 6:30pm.
U8 – Games will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays. Games are at 5:30pm or 7:00pm.
U10 – Games will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays. Games are at 5:30pm or 7:00pm.
U12 – Games will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Games are at 5:30pm or 7:00pm.
U15-U19 – Games are scheduled by Bay Lakes, Mondays through Thursdays. Games are at 5:30pm or 7:00pm.

Where are games played?
For players ages 4 1/2-11 years old, games are held on various fields throughout the east side of Green Bay.  Once players reach age 12, the games are held on various fields throughout the Brown County area.

When will we get our schedule?
U6 through U12 Schedules will be released by the end of April.  Game schedules can be found on the website under the Team Central tab. Coaches set their own practice schedule.  Coaches will contact players and their families with a team meeting and practice schedule by the first week of May. 

U15 and U19 schedules will be posted on the Bay Lakes website by the end of April - Bay Lakes Soccer
Click on League schedule and scroll down to your player's division (U15 or U19, Boys or Girls).  Green Bay Strikers teams are listed as "GBE" (Green Bay East) - team color - Gandrud (our league sponsor).

Are the teams Coed?
The U-6 (ages 4.5 & 5) teams are Coed. Starting with U-8 (ages 6-7) teams are split into male and female teams.

Are there discounts for families with multiple players?
Families pay for the 3 oldest players. The fourth and beyond family member/s are free.

Can my child be on a friend's team?
We cannot assign players to the same team unless they are siblings or the coaches' children. (When registering as a coach, you will be able to request a co-coach.) Each year we get requests to assign friends to a team. Our teams are selected based on the player's age and previous year's ability rating.  This makes the teams evenly divided, adding to the enjoyment of the game for all. 

What does my child need to wear?
Shin guards are required for all games. Socks must completely cover the shin guards.  Team shirts will be provided and must be worn at all games.  Shorts can be any color but cannot have zippers, belt loops or pockets.  Athletic shorts are recommended.  No jewelry is allowed - all jewelry, including tongue studs, must be removed before the game starts.  Shoes are required - soccer cleats are recommended but regular gym shoes can be used.

What size soccer ball will my child need?
The Strikers will provide soccer balls for practices and games.  If you want to purchase a ball for your child, these are the ball sizes for each age group:
U6 - Size #3
U8 - Size #3
U10 - Size #4
U12 - Size #4
U15 - Size #5
U19 - Size #5


Green Bay Strikers

PO Box 9001 
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54308

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us

Green Bay Strikers

PO Box 9001 
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54308

Email: [email protected]

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